Croatia 2016 gallery

25.05.2017 Exclusive, Articles

To accompany the release of Luka Pinto’s Croatian Shootout video, and the accompanying article in Grey vol. 04 issue 01 (in shops now), here are some photos from our visit to Fažana and Pula last September for Vladimir Film Festival that did not feature in the new issue.

Photography: Henry Kingsford

mikey_patrick_alley_oop_backside_180_pula_grey_henry_kingsfordMikey Patrick, alley-oop backside 180, Pula.


mikey_patrick_kickflip_fazana_grey_henry_kingsfordMikey Patrick, kickflip, Fažana.

dillon_catney_backside_nollie_360_flip_barbariga_henry_kingsfordDillon Catney, backside nollie 360 flip, Barbariga.

joe_swinging_barbariga_grey_henry_kingsfordJoe O’Donnell, Barbariga.

mikey_patrick_frontside_carve_grey_henry_kingsfordMikey Patrick, frontside kickturn, Barbariga.